Making quality a priority
Not only do we have a Project Manager completing industry standard quality assessments on all of our builds, we have also taken the initiative to engage an independent 3rd party quality assurance inspector to conduct thorough quality assurance inspections. This commitment ensures that your home is of the highest quality.
Independent quality assurance
The expertise of the private inspector reduces discrepancies, delays and variation exposure to maintain the common goal; a successful project. Together we ensure each stage of construction is in accordance with Building Code of Australia, Victorian Building Authority’s Guide to Standards and Tolerances and relevant Australian Standards. Rest assured your project will be independently reviewed, to ensure quality and minimise the risk of variation exposure.
Pre-pour, frame and pre-plaster
We engage the private inspector to complete inspections at Pre-Pour, Frame and Pre-plaster stages of our builds. These inspections ensure quality control on site and give peace of mind to our clients. Their inspections check that contractor workmanship is of an acceptable level and ensure that items which could delay future trades or impact the project financially, are closed out. Their inspections highlight items that are not covered by the mandatory checks by the Building Surveyor.